About me

I’m Sarah—mom of three, lover of coffee, and your guide to embracing the beautiful chaos of motherhood with creativity and humor.

My Mission

Why Momahood Exists

Momahood exists to bring joy into a mom’s daily chaos. Creative ideas, practical tips, and honest encouragement are to remind you that you are doing a great job.

An imperfect life can be meaningful; it is about making memories, accepting the chaos of life, and finding moments of quietude and laughter. Let us journey through this madness together!

That is why the idea of Momahood is to:

  • Provide creative, practical, and uplifting ideas to make daily life easier and more enjoyable.
  • Celebrate the beauty of imperfection and embrace the messy moments of motherhood.
  • Build a supportive community where moms feel seen, heard, and encouraged every step of the way.

About Me

Hey there! My name’s Sarah, the face behind Momahood, and a mama to three little wildflowers and adventure-seekers that make my life wonderfully crazy and busy. Motherhood’s always been my favorite pastime, but let’s face it—it is a little exhausting too. That’s why I started this blog: To allow moms to walk with one another through the ups, downs, and in-betweens of the journey.

I grew up in a small town, which made chaos easy enough as the oldest of four siblings. These days, my chaos has got a lot of lunches to pack, birthday parties to organize, and glitter randomly scattered all over the house, thanks River!

When kids aren’t running about the house at breakneck speed, I like to calm my mind with yoga (and, yes, sometimes I spend my “yoga” time simply holding child’s pose for five minutes while the kids play nearby.)

I have a love affair with the fresh smell of markers while crafting with some happy munchkins, sneaky nibbles of all the good chocolate after bedtime, and imagining I’m in a spa when browsing through stacks of Target aisles.

A true advocate for the thought that anything in motherhood can be beautifully imperfect, it’s in the little moments by which the fabric of your motherhood is sewn—shared giggles, I-love-you-Mommy whispers, pancake dinner on a Tuesday, and so on.

With Momahood, I provide inspiration, simplification, and a little bit of humor to remind all of us that together is the realest word ever meant.

An artsy kiddie project, a party hack, or some personal TLC (letting your toddler stretch with you, while you’re playacting) is my go. My aspiration is this place must be chatty with a friend who gets it.

Mom and daughter