A name for a baby girl is a pretty important and really personal choice. As mothers, we want the name to be beautiful and meaningful, one that speaks of faith, strength, and God’s love. Putting a name that is Christian or biblical would be beautiful as it can bless your little girl with a name grounded very much in faith, grace, and divine purpose.
So this is, really, exactly a carefully curated list of these Christian and biblical girl names with their meanings and references to make your baby naming a little easier. Hope you find just the one you’re looking for!

1. Biblical Girl Names Inspired by Women of Faith
Old Testament Names (Rooted in Ancient Faith)
- Abigail – “My father’s joy” (1 Samuel 25:3)
- Bathsheba – “Daughter of the oath” (2 Samuel 11)
- Deborah – “Bee” (Judges 4-5)
- Dinah – “God will judge” (Genesis 34)
- Eve – “Life” or “Living” (Genesis 3:20)
- Hagar – “Flight” or “Stranger” (Genesis 16)
- Hannah – “Grace” or “Favor” (1 Samuel 1:20)
- Jael – “Mountain goat” (Judges 4:17-22)
- Judith – “Woman of Judea” (Genesis 26:34)
- Leah – “Weary” or “Delicate” (Genesis 29:16-35)
- Miriam – “Wished-for child” or “Rebellion” (Exodus 15:20-21)
- Naomi – “Pleasantness” (Ruth 1:2-22)
- Orpah – “Back of the neck” (Ruth 1:4)
- Rachel – “Ewe” (Genesis 29:6-35)
- Rahab – “Wide” or “Spacious” (Joshua 2:1-21)
- Rebekah – “To tie” or “To bind” (Genesis 24)
- Ruth – “Companion” or “Friend” (Book of Ruth)
- Sarah – “Princess” (Genesis 17:15-16)
- Tamar – “Palm tree” (Genesis 38, 2 Samuel 13)
- Zeruiah – “Balsam” or “Perfume” (1 Chronicles 2:16)
- Zipporah – “Bird” (Exodus 2:21-22)
New Testament Names (Rooted in Early Christianity)
- Anna – “Grace” (Luke 2:36-38)
- Elizabeth – “God is my oath” (Luke 1:5-80)
- Esther – “Star” (Book of Esther)
- Joanna – “God is gracious” (Luke 8:3)
- Lois – “Better” or “More desirable” (2 Timothy 1:5)
- Lydia – “From Lydia” (Acts 16:14-15)
- Martha – “Lady” or “Mistress” (Luke 10:38-42)
- Mary – “Bitter” or “Beloved” (Mother of Jesus, among others)
- Phoebe – “Radiant” or “Shining one” (Romans 16:1-2)
- Priscilla – “Ancient” or “Venerable” (Acts 18:2-26)
- Salome – “Peace” (Mark 15:40-41)
- Sapphira – “Sapphire” or “Beautiful” (Acts 5:1-11)
- Susanna – “Lily” (Luke 8:3)

2. Girl Names Reflecting God’s Love & Blessings
- Grace – “God’s favor”
- Faith – “Trust in God”
- Hope – “Expectation of God’s promises”
- Charity – “Love” (1 Corinthians 13:13)
- Joy – “Happiness in God’s presence”
- Mercy – “God’s compassion and forgiveness”
- Blessing – “A gift from God”
- Glory – “Honor and praise to God”
- Promise – “God’s faithful assurance”
- Verity – “Truth” (Latin origin, linked to faith)
- Serenity – “Peace and calm in God”
- Love – “God’s greatest gift”
- Beatrice – “She who brings happiness, blessed”
- Theodora – “Gift of God”
- Evangeline – “Bearer of good news”
3. Saint-Inspired Baby Girl Names (A-Z)
- Adelaide – “Noble, kind” (Saint Adelaide, a holy empress known for her charity)
- Agnes – “Pure, holy” (Saint Agnes, a young martyr known for her faith)
- Amata – “Beloved” (Blessed Amata, a devoted religious sister)
- Angela – “Messenger of God” (Saint Angela Merici, founder of the Ursulines)
- Antonia – “Priceless, flourishing” (Saint Antonia, a martyr of the early Church)
- Beatrix – “Blessed, bringer of joy” (Saint Beatrix, known for her strong faith)
- Bernadette – “Brave as a bear” (Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, who saw visions of the Virgin Mary)
- Brigid – “Exalted one” (Saint Brigid of Ireland, known for her generosity and miracles)
- Camilla – “Servant of God” (Saint Camilla Battista da Varano, a mystic and nun)
- Cecilia – “Blind to one’s own beauty” (Patron saint of musicians)
- Christina – “Follower of Christ” (Saint Christina the Astonishing, known for her visions)
- Clare – “Bright, clear” (Saint Clare of Assisi, follower of Saint Francis)
- Colette – “Victorious people” (Saint Colette, known for her deep faith and miracles)
- Daria – “Wealthy” (Saint Daria, a martyr who remained faithful to Christ)
- Dorothy – “Gift of God” (Saint Dorothy, a martyr known for her faith)
- Edith – “Riches, blessed” (Saint Edith Stein, a philosopher and martyr)
- Elizabeth – “God is my oath” (Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, known for her kindness)
- Eulalia – “Sweetly speaking” (Saint Eulalia, a brave young martyr)
- Faustina – “Lucky, fortunate” (Saint Faustina, known for spreading Divine Mercy devotion)
- Flora – “Flower, blooming” (Saint Flora, a Spanish martyr)
- Genevieve – “Woman of the people” (Patron saint of Paris, known for her strong faith)
- Gema – “Precious gem” (Saint Gemma Galgani, a mystic and stigmatist)
- Helena – “Shining light” (Saint Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, discovered the True Cross)
- Isidore – “Gift of Isis” (Saint Isidore of Seville, though Isidora has also been used as a girl’s name)
- Joan – “God is gracious” (Saint Joan of Arc, a fearless warrior and martyr)
- Juliana – “Youthful, dedicated” (Saint Juliana Falconieri, founder of the Servite Order)
- Kateri – “Pure” (Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American saint)
- Lucy – “Light” (Saint Lucy, the patron saint of the blind)
- Margaret – “Pearl” (Saint Margaret of Scotland, known for her charity)
- Marcellina – “Warlike, strong” (Saint Marcellina, a devoted nun and sister of Saint Ambrose)
- Matilda – “Mighty in battle” (Saint Matilda, a queen known for her piety)
- Odilia – “Wealth, fortune” (Saint Odilia, the patroness of the blind)
- Philomena – “Lover of strength” (A young martyr and patroness of miracles)
- Regina – “Queen” (Saint Regina, a young martyr who remained faithful)
- Rita – “Pearl” (Saint Rita of Cascia, known for her devotion and patience)
- Rosalia – “Little rose” (Saint Rosalia, the patroness of Palermo)
- Scholastica – “Scholar, learned” (Saint Scholastica, sister of Saint Benedict)
- Teresa – “Harvester” (Saint Teresa of Avila & Saint Teresa of Calcutta, both known for their deep love of God)
- Veronica – “True image” (Saint Veronica, who wiped the face of Jesus)
- Zita – “Little girl” (Saint Zita, the patron saint of domestic workers)

4. Angelic Names for Baby Girls
Beautiful names inspired by angels, celestial beings, and heavenly virtues. Perfect for a baby girl with a name that reflects divine grace, light, and protection.
Girl Names of Angels & Archangels
- Ariel – “Lion of God” (Mentioned in the Bible, sometimes associated with an angel)
- Gabriella – “God is my strength” (Feminine form of Gabriel, the archangel who announced Jesus’ birth)
- Michaela – “Who is like God?” (Feminine form of Michael, the warrior archangel)
- Raphaela – “God heals” (Feminine form of Raphael, the healing archangel)
- Seraphina – “Fiery, burning one” (Inspired by the Seraphim, the highest order of angels)
- Celestina – “Heavenly” (Derived from celestial, meaning heavenly or angelic)
- Evangeline – “Bearer of good news” (Related to the Gospel and the message of angels)
- Aniela – “Angel” (Polish form of Angela)
- Angelica – “Like an angel” (A classic name with heavenly meaning)
- Angela – “Messenger of God” (A timeless name directly meaning angel)
Girl Names Inspired by Angelic Qualities
- Charis – “Grace” (Derived from the Greek word charis, meaning divine grace)
- Dove – “Symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit” (Inspired by the dove’s biblical significance)
- Eliana – “God has answered” (A heavenly name symbolizing divine response)
- Faith – “Trust in God” (A virtue associated with purity and angels)
- Gloria – “Glory” (Inspired by the angelic hymn Gloria in Excelsis Deo)
- Grace – “God’s favor” (A name reflecting divine blessing and elegance)
- Hope – “Expectation of God’s promises” (A virtue associated with angelic guidance)
- Lumi – “Light” (Finnish name meaning brightness, like an angel’s radiance)
- Mercy – “Compassion, divine kindness” (An angelic quality of love and forgiveness)
- Selah – “Pause and reflect” (A biblical term often associated with divine worship)
Nature-Inspired Angelic Girl Names
- Aurora – “Dawn” (Symbolizing divine light and the beauty of new beginnings)
- Celeste – “Heavenly” (A beautiful name reflecting the realm of angels)
- Eden – “Paradise” (The biblical garden, a symbol of purity and peace)
- Lilia – “Lily” (A symbol of purity, often associated with the Virgin Mary)
- Noelle – “Christmas, birth of Christ” (Reminiscent of angelic hymns at Jesus’ birth)
- Stella – “Star” (Symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem and divine guidance)
- Rosalinda – “Beautiful rose” (A name symbolizing heavenly beauty and grace)
- Marisol – “Mary of the Sun” (A Marian name with celestial connections)
- Zaria – “Princess, blooming flower” (Also connected to divine protection)
- Talia – “Dew from heaven” (A soft and poetic angelic name)
Picking a name for your baby girl is such a big deal, and I know how much we moms want it to be just right—beautiful, meaningful, and full of love. Whether you go for a biblical classic, a saintly gem, or something angelic, each of these names has a special touch of faith and grace.
I hope this list gave you some great ideas (or at least made the decision a little easier!). No matter what name you choose, your little girl is already surrounded by love and blessings. 💕 Wishing you all the joy in this amazing motherhood journey!
Check out these posts for more adorable baby name inspo: