A name for a baby girl is a pretty important and really personal choice. As mothers, we want the name to be beautiful and meaningful, one that speaks of faith, strength, and God’s love. Putting a name that is Christian or biblical would be beautiful as it can bless your little girl with a name grounded very much in faith, grace, and divine purpose.

So this is, really, exactly a carefully curated list of these Christian and biblical girl names with their meanings and references to make your baby naming a little easier. Hope you find just the one you’re looking for!

Sleeping newborn baby girl swaddled in yellow.

1. Biblical Girl Names Inspired by Women of Faith

Old Testament Names (Rooted in Ancient Faith)

  1. Abigail – “My father’s joy” (1 Samuel 25:3)
  2. Bathsheba – “Daughter of the oath” (2 Samuel 11)
  3. Deborah – “Bee” (Judges 4-5)
  4. Dinah – “God will judge” (Genesis 34)
  5. Eve – “Life” or “Living” (Genesis 3:20)
  6. Hagar – “Flight” or “Stranger” (Genesis 16)
  7. Hannah – “Grace” or “Favor” (1 Samuel 1:20)
  8. Jael – “Mountain goat” (Judges 4:17-22)
  9. Judith – “Woman of Judea” (Genesis 26:34)
  10. Leah – “Weary” or “Delicate” (Genesis 29:16-35)
  11. Miriam – “Wished-for child” or “Rebellion” (Exodus 15:20-21)
  12. Naomi – “Pleasantness” (Ruth 1:2-22)
  13. Orpah – “Back of the neck” (Ruth 1:4)
  14. Rachel – “Ewe” (Genesis 29:6-35)
  15. Rahab – “Wide” or “Spacious” (Joshua 2:1-21)
  16. Rebekah – “To tie” or “To bind” (Genesis 24)
  17. Ruth – “Companion” or “Friend” (Book of Ruth)
  18. Sarah – “Princess” (Genesis 17:15-16)
  19. Tamar – “Palm tree” (Genesis 38, 2 Samuel 13)
  20. Zeruiah – “Balsam” or “Perfume” (1 Chronicles 2:16)
  21. Zipporah – “Bird” (Exodus 2:21-22)

New Testament Names (Rooted in Early Christianity)

  1. Anna – “Grace” (Luke 2:36-38)
  2. Elizabeth – “God is my oath” (Luke 1:5-80)
  3. Esther – “Star” (Book of Esther)
  4. Joanna – “God is gracious” (Luke 8:3)
  5. Lois – “Better” or “More desirable” (2 Timothy 1:5)
  6. Lydia – “From Lydia” (Acts 16:14-15)
  7. Martha – “Lady” or “Mistress” (Luke 10:38-42)
  8. Mary – “Bitter” or “Beloved” (Mother of Jesus, among others)
  9. Phoebe – “Radiant” or “Shining one” (Romans 16:1-2)
  10. Priscilla – “Ancient” or “Venerable” (Acts 18:2-26)
  11. Salome – “Peace” (Mark 15:40-41)
  12. Sapphira – “Sapphire” or “Beautiful” (Acts 5:1-11)
  13. Susanna – “Lily” (Luke 8:3)
Baby girl with a beautiful white headbanc.

2. Girl Names Reflecting God’s Love & Blessings

  1. Grace – “God’s favor”
  2. Faith – “Trust in God”
  3. Hope – “Expectation of God’s promises”
  4. Charity – “Love” (1 Corinthians 13:13)
  5. Joy – “Happiness in God’s presence”
  6. Mercy – “God’s compassion and forgiveness”
  7. Blessing – “A gift from God”
  8. Glory – “Honor and praise to God”
  9. Promise – “God’s faithful assurance”
  10. Verity – “Truth” (Latin origin, linked to faith)
  11. Serenity – “Peace and calm in God”
  12. Love – “God’s greatest gift”
  13. Beatrice – “She who brings happiness, blessed”
  14. Theodora – “Gift of God”
  15. Evangeline – “Bearer of good news”

3. Saint-Inspired Baby Girl Names (A-Z)

  1. Adelaide – “Noble, kind” (Saint Adelaide, a holy empress known for her charity)
  2. Agnes – “Pure, holy” (Saint Agnes, a young martyr known for her faith)
  3. Amata – “Beloved” (Blessed Amata, a devoted religious sister)
  4. Angela – “Messenger of God” (Saint Angela Merici, founder of the Ursulines)
  5. Antonia – “Priceless, flourishing” (Saint Antonia, a martyr of the early Church)
  6. Beatrix – “Blessed, bringer of joy” (Saint Beatrix, known for her strong faith)
  7. Bernadette – “Brave as a bear” (Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, who saw visions of the Virgin Mary)
  8. Brigid – “Exalted one” (Saint Brigid of Ireland, known for her generosity and miracles)
  9. Camilla – “Servant of God” (Saint Camilla Battista da Varano, a mystic and nun)
  10. Cecilia – “Blind to one’s own beauty” (Patron saint of musicians)
  11. Christina – “Follower of Christ” (Saint Christina the Astonishing, known for her visions)
  12. Clare – “Bright, clear” (Saint Clare of Assisi, follower of Saint Francis)
  13. Colette – “Victorious people” (Saint Colette, known for her deep faith and miracles)
  14. Daria – “Wealthy” (Saint Daria, a martyr who remained faithful to Christ)
  15. Dorothy – “Gift of God” (Saint Dorothy, a martyr known for her faith)
  16. Edith – “Riches, blessed” (Saint Edith Stein, a philosopher and martyr)
  17. Elizabeth – “God is my oath” (Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, known for her kindness)
  18. Eulalia – “Sweetly speaking” (Saint Eulalia, a brave young martyr)
  19. Faustina – “Lucky, fortunate” (Saint Faustina, known for spreading Divine Mercy devotion)
  20. Flora – “Flower, blooming” (Saint Flora, a Spanish martyr)
  21. Genevieve – “Woman of the people” (Patron saint of Paris, known for her strong faith)
  22. Gema – “Precious gem” (Saint Gemma Galgani, a mystic and stigmatist)
  23. Helena – “Shining light” (Saint Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, discovered the True Cross)
  24. Isidore – “Gift of Isis” (Saint Isidore of Seville, though Isidora has also been used as a girl’s name)
  25. Joan – “God is gracious” (Saint Joan of Arc, a fearless warrior and martyr)
  26. Juliana – “Youthful, dedicated” (Saint Juliana Falconieri, founder of the Servite Order)
  27. Kateri – “Pure” (Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American saint)
  28. Lucy – “Light” (Saint Lucy, the patron saint of the blind)
  29. Margaret – “Pearl” (Saint Margaret of Scotland, known for her charity)
  30. Marcellina – “Warlike, strong” (Saint Marcellina, a devoted nun and sister of Saint Ambrose)
  31. Matilda – “Mighty in battle” (Saint Matilda, a queen known for her piety)
  32. Odilia – “Wealth, fortune” (Saint Odilia, the patroness of the blind)
  33. Philomena – “Lover of strength” (A young martyr and patroness of miracles)
  34. Regina – “Queen” (Saint Regina, a young martyr who remained faithful)
  35. Rita – “Pearl” (Saint Rita of Cascia, known for her devotion and patience)
  36. Rosalia – “Little rose” (Saint Rosalia, the patroness of Palermo)
  37. Scholastica – “Scholar, learned” (Saint Scholastica, sister of Saint Benedict)
  38. Teresa – “Harvester” (Saint Teresa of Avila & Saint Teresa of Calcutta, both known for their deep love of God)
  39. Veronica – “True image” (Saint Veronica, who wiped the face of Jesus)
  40. Zita – “Little girl” (Saint Zita, the patron saint of domestic workers)
Newborn baby girl with a fancy pink dress in a cradle.

4. Angelic Names for Baby Girls

Beautiful names inspired by angels, celestial beings, and heavenly virtues. Perfect for a baby girl with a name that reflects divine grace, light, and protection.

Girl Names of Angels & Archangels

  1. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Mentioned in the Bible, sometimes associated with an angel)
  2. Gabriella – “God is my strength” (Feminine form of Gabriel, the archangel who announced Jesus’ birth)
  3. Michaela – “Who is like God?” (Feminine form of Michael, the warrior archangel)
  4. Raphaela – “God heals” (Feminine form of Raphael, the healing archangel)
  5. Seraphina – “Fiery, burning one” (Inspired by the Seraphim, the highest order of angels)
  6. Celestina – “Heavenly” (Derived from celestial, meaning heavenly or angelic)
  7. Evangeline – “Bearer of good news” (Related to the Gospel and the message of angels)
  8. Aniela – “Angel” (Polish form of Angela)
  9. Angelica – “Like an angel” (A classic name with heavenly meaning)
  10. Angela – “Messenger of God” (A timeless name directly meaning angel)

Girl Names Inspired by Angelic Qualities

  1. Charis – “Grace” (Derived from the Greek word charis, meaning divine grace)
  2. Dove – “Symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit” (Inspired by the dove’s biblical significance)
  3. Eliana – “God has answered” (A heavenly name symbolizing divine response)
  4. Faith – “Trust in God” (A virtue associated with purity and angels)
  5. Gloria – “Glory” (Inspired by the angelic hymn Gloria in Excelsis Deo)
  6. Grace – “God’s favor” (A name reflecting divine blessing and elegance)
  7. Hope – “Expectation of God’s promises” (A virtue associated with angelic guidance)
  8. Lumi – “Light” (Finnish name meaning brightness, like an angel’s radiance)
  9. Mercy – “Compassion, divine kindness” (An angelic quality of love and forgiveness)
  10. Selah – “Pause and reflect” (A biblical term often associated with divine worship)

Nature-Inspired Angelic Girl Names

  1. Aurora – “Dawn” (Symbolizing divine light and the beauty of new beginnings)
  2. Celeste – “Heavenly” (A beautiful name reflecting the realm of angels)
  3. Eden – “Paradise” (The biblical garden, a symbol of purity and peace)
  4. Lilia – “Lily” (A symbol of purity, often associated with the Virgin Mary)
  5. Noelle – “Christmas, birth of Christ” (Reminiscent of angelic hymns at Jesus’ birth)
  6. Stella – “Star” (Symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem and divine guidance)
  7. Rosalinda – “Beautiful rose” (A name symbolizing heavenly beauty and grace)
  8. Marisol – “Mary of the Sun” (A Marian name with celestial connections)
  9. Zaria – “Princess, blooming flower” (Also connected to divine protection)
  10. Talia – “Dew from heaven” (A soft and poetic angelic name)

Picking a name for your baby girl is such a big deal, and I know how much we moms want it to be just right—beautiful, meaningful, and full of love. Whether you go for a biblical classic, a saintly gem, or something angelic, each of these names has a special touch of faith and grace.

I hope this list gave you some great ideas (or at least made the decision a little easier!). No matter what name you choose, your little girl is already surrounded by love and blessings. 💕 Wishing you all the joy in this amazing motherhood journey!

Check out these posts for more adorable baby name inspo:

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