Oh my goodness, you’re pregnant! First of all, congratulations on your little miracle! I remember staring at that positive test with my heart doing Olympic-level gymnastics in my chest.

Once the initial shock wears off (and maybe after you’ve finished happy-crying in the bathroom), comes the fun part – sharing your amazing news with the world!

Whether you’re a first-timer or adding one additional mini-me to your crew, choosing the perfect words to announce your pregnancy on social media can be oddly intimidating. Do you go for funny? Sentimental? Include your fur babies? (The answer is always yes to the pets, btw).

I’ve put together 100 caption ideas to help you spread your joy, from tear-jerkers that will have your mother-in-law reaching for tissues to ones that will have your college roommate snort-laughing. So take a deep breath, mama – I’ve got this!

A happy couple looking at a pregnancy home test.

Sentimental Pregnancy Announcement Captions

  1. “The smallest feet leave the largest footprints in our hearts. Baby [Last Name] coming [Month Year].”
  2. We asked for a miracle, and got one growing in my belly. Our dream coming true in [Month].”
  3. “Our family is growing by two feet and one heart. Expecting our precious little one [Season/Month].”
  4. “First came love, then came you. A dream we never knew we had until now.”
  5. “After hoping, praying, and waiting, our little blessing is on the way.”
  6. “The best things come in small packages, arriving [Month Year].”
  7. “And suddenly, all the love songs were about you. Our little melody arrives in [Month].”
  8. “My heart is already walking outside my body. Can’t wait to meet you, little one.”
  9. “Growing a little human has been my most thrilling adventure so far.”
  10. “We’re adding another leaf to our family tree. New addition arriving [Season/Month].”
  11. “The love of our lives whom we haven’t met yet. Arriving [Month].”
  12. “Our fairy tale begins [Month Year].”
  13. “We’ve had a tiny secret. Baby [Last Name] coming home [Season/Month].”
  14. “Our hearts are full, soon my belly will be too! Due [Month].”
  15. “The greatest gift is not under the Christmas tree, but growing inside of me.”
  16. “Feeling grateful, thankful, and totally nauseous. Baby on board due [Month]!”
  17. “Every great book has a page that turns everything around. Ours begins in [Month].”
  18. “You + Me = Three. The best equation ever.”
  19. “You were our dream on every birthday candle, our wish to every star. Coming soon!”
  20. “The best jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.”

Funny Pregnancy Announcement Captions

  1. “Pasta a la vista, flat belly! I’m officially eating for two!”
  2. “We wanted a dog, but we’re terrible at following instructions. Baby coming [Month].”
  3. “Turns out it wasn’t just a quarantine food baby after all! Due [Month].”
  4. “The only thing growing faster than my belly is my appetite for pickles and ice cream.”
  5. “I’ve been baking more than sourdough during lockdown… Baby [Last Name] due [Month].”
  6. “We can no longer say ‘it’s just the two of us’ while dancing around the kitchen.”
  7. “Plot twist! The sequel is coming [Month Year].”
  8. “We’re trading sleep for memories. Worth it. Baby arriving [Month].”
  9. “Designated driver for the next nine months. Baby [Last Name] brewing.”
  10. “Oh baby! Turns out ‘Netflix and chill’ has consequences.”
  11. “Loading mini human… [Month]% complete.”
  12. “The rumors are true. I swallowed a watermelon seed.”
  13. “Our family is expanding faster than my waistline!”
  14. “Guess what? No really, guess… OK I’ll tell you: BABY ONBOARD!”
  15. “I’m growing a human as my side hustle. Due [Month].”
  16. “Mom: +1, Sleep: -100. Starting [Month].”
  17. “We’re adding another car seat and likely fifteen more gray hairs.”
  18. “Forget the stork, this baby was made with love… and maybe some wine.”
  19. “If you think my belly is big, you should see my heart right now.”
  20. “Operation Baby [Last Name]: Mission Accomplished! Launching [Month].”
  21. “My body is creating a human and what did you do today?”
  22. “So apparently ‘working from home’ means some of us were doing extra work. Baby arriving [Month]!”
  23. “Breaking news: My pants don’t fit and it’s NOT the quarantine snacks’ fault!”
  24. “We didn’t realize ‘social distancing’ would result in us becoming less distant. Baby coming [Month]!”
  25. “My growing belly isn’t from too much pizza this time… though there’s definitely been pizza involved.”
  26. “The only thing we’re positive about in 2025 is this pregnancy test!”
  27. “Currently growing my own personal snuggle buddy. Delivery date: [Month].”
  28. “I’ve finally figured out why I cannot zip up my jeans, and no, it was not the entire pint of ice cream.”
  29. “My food baby turned into an actual baby! Due [Month].”
  30. “I ordered a six-pack on my birthday. God’s like ‘How about just one?'”
  31. “I’m having two meals since one of them is really starved.”
  32. “Not a food baby, but thanks for asking! Real baby arriving [Month].”
  33. “Count this as my official request for parking in the ‘Expectant Mother’ spots.”
  34. “Breaking news: I can no longer squeeze my feet into anything. Baby [Last Name] is moving in [Month].”
  35. “We’re officially outnumbered! Send in reinforcements, coffee, and diapers in [Month].”
  36. “The doctor said it would be a baby, but with the amount of tacos I’ve been eating, it might be a burrito.”
  37. “My ‘COVID 15’ weight gain was really a baby. Surprise!”
  38. “It’s hard to choose names. So far we have narrowed it down to ‘Please Stop Kicking Mommy’s Bladder’ [Last Name].”
  39. “I suppose ‘wine down Wednesday’ is being put on hold for now. Baby [Last Name] is the perpetrator.”
  40. “Pregnancy symptoms: Crying at dog food commercials and needing to pee every 5 minutes
A pregnant woman with her tablet.

Gender Announcement Captions

  1. “Sugar and spice and everything nice. it’s a GIRL!”
  2. “Snips and snails and puppy dog tails. it’s a BOY!”
  3. “Team Pink reporting for duty in [Month]!”
  4. “Touchdown! We’re adding a little MVP to our team. It’s a boy!”
  5. “Tutus or touchdowns? The verdict is in: It’s a [boy/girl]!”
  6. “He or She? Come see at our gender reveal party on [Date]!”
  7. “Pink or blue, what do you think? Join us [Date] to find out!”
  8. “Our little princess is on the way! Crown jewel arriving [Month].”
  9. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re happy to announce it’s a [boy/girl]!”
  10. “Daddy’s little girl/Mommy’s little boy on the way [Month].”
  11. “Confetti time! It’s a [boy/girl]!”
  12. “[Big Brother/Sister] is getting a little [brother/sister]!”
  13. “Plot twist! It’s TWINS – one of each!”
  14. “Another little [gentleman/lady] joining our crew in [Month].”
  15. “What’s cooking in the oven? A sweet little [prince/princess] baking until [Month]!”
  16. “We prayed for a healthy baby, but God blessed us with a beautiful [boy/girl].”
  17. “Blue or pink? We really didn’t mind, but we’re so excited to share it’s a [boy/girl]!”
  18. “Our crew is growing by one little [quarterback/cheerleader].”
  19. “Ready for [baseball/ballet] lessons in [Year]!”
  20. “The pink/blue confetti has spoken – it’s a [girl/boy]!

Sibling Announcement Captions

  1. “Big [Brother/Sister] [Name] reporting for duty [Month].”
  2. “Only child expiring [Month Year]. Big [Brother/Sister] starting duties.”
  3. “Our only child just became my favorite middle child. Baby #3 coming [Month].”
  4. “[Dog’s name] is getting a human – duties include diaper changes and midnight feedings.”
  5. “Someone around here is getting promoted to Big [Brother/Sister]!”
  6. “Partners in crime: Recruiting new member. Arriving [Month].”
  7. “The sequel is coming [Month Year], and [Sibling Name] is thrilled to be on the movie poster!”
  8. “Our greatest adventure just keeps getting more wonderful! [Sibling Name] is going to have a co-pilot.
  9. “[Sibling Name] has been keeping a secret… a baby [brother/sister] is on the way!”
  10. “Level up: Becoming a family of [number].”
  11. “We’re making [Sibling Name] share their toys starting [Month].”
  12. “I asked for a playmate for Christmas, and Mommy’s belly is getting bigger. Best present ever!”
  13. “[Sibling Name] is in training for the big [brother/sister] Olympics!”
  14. “Operation: Sibling – our family is expanding by two feet and one heart.”
  15. “Turns out [Sibling Name] wasn’t enough trouble for us. Reinforcements arriving [Month].”
  16. “[Sibling Name] is counting down the days until the best friend they never asked for arrives.”
  17. “Room for one more in this circus! [Sibling Name] is getting a new audience member.”
  18. “Bump watch [Year]: [Sibling Name] has been promoted!”
  19. “The [Last Name] party is adding another dancer to the floor in [Month]!”
  20. “This big [brother/sister] job better come with a raise in my allowance. New baby arriving [Month]!”
Cute knitted white baby shoes and hat.


Whew! All that awesomeness and sassy banter! I remember rewriting my pregnancy announcement captions twenty times while my husband kept saying “just post already!” Looking back, perfect grammar didn’t matter – sharing our joy with loved ones did.

Whether you go for tear-jerking or laugh-inducing (that burrito baby one speaks to my soul!), the perfect announcement is simply what represents YOU. As a mom who’s been there multiple times, I promise whatever caption you choose, hitting “post” will be unforgettable.

There’s no “right” way in parenthood – only your way. A simple “We’re pregnant!” with an ultrasound works perfectly too! From one mom to another, enjoy this beautiful chapter – stretch marks, weird cravings and all. Your heart (and underwear drawer – hello maternity undies!) is about to grow in amazing ways. Congrats and welcome to the wild ride!

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